Scale Pro - Weighing application

Your intelligent weighing application for optimal traceability

Scale Pro stands as an innovative application meticulously crafted to address your weighing management requirements.

Equipped with advanced functionalities and intuitive interface, Scale Pro streamlines and enhances your weighing procedures, leading to time savings, heightened operational efficiency, and precise traceability of your weighing activities.

Gestion des pesages

Weighing management

The weighing management module of Scale Pro empowers you with complete oversight of your weighing activities. Capture and monitor weighings in real-time, accessing comprehensive details including weighing ID, employee locations, utilized trucks, weighed product types, and more. Additionally, generate tailored reports for thorough analysis purposes.

Access management

Scale Pro provides robust access management capabilities, enabling you to establish roles and permissions for your staff members. This ensures that solely authorized individuals can access specific features within the application. With complete control over data access, you can designate permissions for viewing, editing, or deleting data as per your preferences.

Gestion des clients
Gestion des clients

Customer management

Streamline customer management with Scale Pro’s specialized module. Capture customer details, monitor their weighing history, and effortlessly generate invoices while ensuring comprehensive transaction tracking. Provide tailored service to your clientele, thereby fortifying business relationships and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Management of employees

Utilize Scale Pro’s employee management module to seamlessly oversee employee details such as shifts, work schedules, and leave records. Enhance human resources management efficiency and facilitate effective planning to promote the seamless operation of your business.

Gestion des clients
Gestion des impressions et des facturations

Managing Wait Issues

Scale Pro facilitates queue management by enabling you to track and address pending weighings promptly. Prioritize tasks, set reminders, and seamlessly resolve pending issues to prevent delays and disruptions transparently.

Management of printing and invoicing

Streamline the voucher and invoice generation process using Scale Pro’s dedicated module. Customize print templates, incorporate pertinent weighing data, and produce precise invoices tailored to your customers’ needs. Save time and minimize errors through automated functionalities.

Gestion des impressions et des facturations

Track Your Production in Real Time with Scale Pro!

Scale Pro surpasses conventional display systems by facilitating remote monitoring and centralization of weighing data from your interconnected instruments. It’s not just a weighing management application; it’s an intelligent tool that streamlines and enhances all your weighing procedures. Whether it’s overseeing weighing operations, handling access, customer and employee management, generating vouchers and invoices, or resolving wait time concerns, Scale Pro is your dependable solution.

Advantages of our weighing application

  • Remain linked to your weighing devices regardless of your location
  • Streamline and consolidate the live management of your weighing operations
  • Effortlessly retain, backup, and transfer your data